ICCTE is about individuals and about relationships. Many of us work in relatively small programs and are often seeking fellowship, collaboration, mentoring and professional growth with colleagues who do similar work. Relationships built through conference participation and through involvement in service and scholarship related to the purposes of ICCTE are supportive to each of us.
Being actively involved in state-level, national and international professional and scholarly organizations is an important aspect of our work in educator preparation. We often work with colleagues from State institutions and those who don’t hold a Christian worldview. Our call to be salt and light requires us to actively engage the broader culture and profession. And so, our connections to Christian scholars and teachers enables us to further our work in our local context in service, teaching and scholarship.
Professional Enrichment
Set the course for the direction of Christian teacher education.
Attend the biennial international symposium.
Utilize on-line opportunities to communicate with other Christians in teacher education.
Fellowship with other Christians in teacher education and allied fields.
Collaborate across institutions to enhance educational programs.
Benefit from interacting with colleagues who hold cross-curricular perspectives.
Enhance your instruction through ICCTE publications and presentations
Enlarge your research interests through a Christian worldview.
Network for related research interests.
Publish in the ICCTE online journal and present at the biennial international conference.
Serve on the ICCTE online journal review board.
Bylaws were approved in May, 2010. The bylaws can be found here: